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Sentence Pattern Transformations - Multiple Transformations - Exercise 3

Directions: Transform each sentence as directed, using all transformations listed in your answer. Do not change tense when you make your transformations. At any point in the exercise, you may click on "Check My Answers" (at bottom) to see the answer key.

1.  County funds fixed Highway 67.

interrogative yes/no, negative and, cleft:

2.  The newspaper reported the story.

passive, negative, and cleft:

3.  You should mow the lawn now.

imperative and negative:

4.  Maura builds exquisite dining room chairs.

negative, passive, and interrogative yes/no:

5.  A cute little Pomeranian might be under the table.

there is/there are, interrogative yes/no and negative:

6.  Everyone at the party loved Dominic's roasted eggplant.

interrogative yes-no and cleft:

7.  Larry's laptop has a 17-inch screen.

cleft and negative:

8.  The barn near the pasture creates a popular spot for painters.

negative and passive:

9.  The airline employees handled our luggage roughly.

cleft and interrogative yes/no:

10.  Without a single mistake, the accountant reorganized our financial records.

interrogative yes/no, negative, and passive:



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Margaret L. Benner

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